Beauty Salon

Polished Salon 171418

Welcome to Polished Salon, the premier destination for all your hair and beauty needs in the 171418 area. Our team of expert stylists and estheticians are dedicated to providing top-notch services, from haircuts and color to facials and waxing. Experience the difference at Polished Salon and leave feeling truly pampered and refreshed.

How to reach Polished Salon 171418?

If you want to reach Polished Salon at 171418 from Google My Business, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Open Google My Business on your web browser or mobile app.

2. Search for “Polished Salon 171418” in the search bar.

3. Once you find the salon’s listing, click on it to view the details.

4. Look for the address of the salon in the listing. It will usually be located at the top of the page or under the “Contact” section.

5. After locating the address, you can use the directions feature provided by Google My Business to get turn-by-turn directions to the salon.

6. Click on the “Directions” button, and Google Maps will open with the salon’s location pinned on the map.

7. From there, you can input your starting location and choose the mode of transportation you will be using to reach the salon.

8. Google Maps will then provide you with the best route to reach the salon, including estimated travel time and distance.

By following these steps, you can easily reach the location of Polished Salon at 171418 as listed on Google My Business.

What are customer Reviews on Polished Salon 171418?

– “I love getting my hair done at Polished Salon! The stylists are always friendly and professional, and I always leave feeling amazing.”
– “I’ve been a loyal customer at Polished Salon for years. The atmosphere is always welcoming and the staff is top-notch.”
– “I had a fantastic experience at Polished Salon. The service was exceptional and the results exceeded my expectations.”
– “The stylists at Polished Salon are true artists. I always leave the salon feeling fabulous and ready to take on the world.”
– “I highly recommend Polished Salon to anyone looking for a great hair salon. You won’t be disappointed!”

I hope you like reading on Polished Salon 171418.

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